Part 2 - Persisting Data To Database
This is article is part of a series. They are:
- Part 1 - Simple GraphQL Server with Juniper And Actix
- Part 2 - Persisting Data To Database
In the previous blog post, we showed how easy it is to create a GraphQL server in Rust. In this post, we will hook it up to a Postgres database. To do this we will use the tokio-postgres
package. While it is possible to use an ORM in Rust (the most popular choice being diesel), that topic is very dense on its own, and even in high level frameworks like Node.js, it is debatable if ORMs are always the best choice.
I am using version 0.7.5 of tokio-postgres
, so that needs to be added to our Cargo.toml
dependencies. We’ll also add tokio
tokio = "1.17.0"
tokio-postgres = "0.7.5"
Why the tokio-postgres package instead of postgres
Since we are using Actix Web, which already runs on top of the Tokio async framework, we can benefit from async postgres queries too. If the Tokio ecosystem seems at all confusing, you can think of it as behaving similarly to JavaScript’s cooperative multitasking event system. The Deno JavaScript runtime uses Tokio for this very purpose. The APIs between tokio-postgres
and postgres
are very similar, with the former returning await-able Future
The tokio-postgres
benefits from the Tokio runtime the same as most JavaScript libraries benefit from its event queue. Multiple queries can happen simultaneously without blocking the others and can be handled later thanks to the await
Setting up a Postgres server
I won’t be getting into installing Postgres as it depends entirely on your operating system and environment, but for the uninitiated I highly recommend using Docker if you simply need a database running on your local system. It’s trivial to get Postgres running and everything is sandboxed so it can easily be removed later. There is an example docker-compose
configuration on the Docker Hub page that will bring up postgres and a companion adminer for debugging. The configuration needs to be modified so that postgres exposes port 5432, similar to how adminer exposes port 8080.
Connecting is straightforward enough, use the connect
method and await the connection
’s success in a separate thread. Even if you don’t plan on handling anything about the connection’s success or failure, this thread is still necessary. The client
object allows us to submit queries to the database, and we will handle it later.
use tokio_postgres::NoTls;
// ...
async fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
let (client, connection) =
tokio_postgres::connect("postgresql://username:password@localhost/database", NoTls).await.unwrap();
tokio::spawn(async move {
if let Err(e) = connection.await {
eprintln!("connection error: {}", e);
Creating the table
This step needs to only happen once. The database needs to contain a table for our GraphQL data. Specifically, we wish to create the person
table with a unique id and two fields:
You can do this manually if you have some database tool, but it’s also possible to do with our Postgres client (and perhaps a good opportunity to ensure things are working correctly):
data BYTEA
The GraphQL Context
In order for the GraphQL queries and mutations to have what they need (in this case, the database client), we must create a context object that is passed to the GraphQL handler functions. Context objects are denoted with a trait, juniper::Context
, and are pretty straightforward:
use tokio_postgres::Client;
pub struct Context {
pub db: Client,
impl juniper::Context for Context {}
Now we need to make some modifications to our schema. The Query, Mutation, and Subscription root nodes all need to use this new Context
#[juniper::graphql_object(context = Context)]
impl QueryRoot {
fn person<'c>(context: &'c Context, _id: i32) -> FieldResult<Person> {
// ...
pub type Schema = RootNode<'static, QueryRoot, EmptyMutation<Context>, EmptySubscription<Context>>;
pub fn create_schema() -> Schema {
Schema::new(QueryRoot {}, EmptyMutation::<Context>::new(), EmptySubscription::<Context>::new())
Our graphql
endpoint needs to use this Context
as well:
#[route("/graphql", method = "GET", method = "POST")]
async fn graphql(schema: web::Data<Schema>, context: web::Data<Context>, request: web::Json<GraphQLRequest>) -> impl Responder {
HttpResponse::Ok().json(request.execute(&schema, &context).await)
And finally, we must add it to our App
definition as data, alongside the existing schema. We use the client
from the database connection above. The data passed into Data::from
must be clone-able and thread safe, so we wrap the context into an atomic reference counter (Arc
). The clone
method for Arc
does not actually clone the underlying data, it simply increases the reference counter and returns another handle for the data. The App
builder looks as follows:
let context = Arc::new(Context {
db: client,
// ...
Moving forward, any other data that is required by GraphQL can simply be added to the Context
Querying the Database
Now that GraphQL can access the database client, we can create a query to fetch from our Postgres database. The person
query can be modified to be an async functions, and return an Option<Person>
(as opposed to just Person
). Returning None
allows us to tell GraphQL to return null
, which is now necessary since our database query could yield no results. Aside from that, the code should be fairly straightforward.
#[juniper::graphql_object(context = Context)]
impl QueryRoot {
async fn person<'c>(context: &'c Context, id: i32) -> FieldResult<Option<Person>> {
let row = context.db
.query_one("SELECT id, name, age FROM person WHERE id = $1", &[&id])
if let Ok(person) = row {
let id: i32 = person.get(0);
let name: &str = person.get(1);
let age: i32 = person.get(2);
Ok(Some(Person {
name: name.to_owned(),
} else {
One part of this code which may be peculiar to those less familiar with Rust is the get
function on the database row. It is necessary to convert the type from something the database understands into something that Rust understands, and this is done using type annotations. Rust’s type inference engine is very powerful, and in this case it’s able to infer the type parameter of get
based on the type annotation, and does the proper conversion into that type using a FromSql
All of that is to say, Rust continues to make our life easy with some cleverly designed language features.
Database Mutation
Being able to query the database is all well and good, but unless you manually enter some data into it, there is nothing to query. What we need is a GraphQL mutation, allowing us to add a new Person
object into the database.
The code ends up looking familiar, as it works similarly to our query. Mutations are done in a separate MutationRoot
struct which will replace our EmptyMutation
stub. Do note that while the function is named create_person
(following Rust naming conventions), the GraphQL mutation receives the name createPerson
(following GraphQL naming conventions).
pub struct MutationRoot;
#[juniper::graphql_object(context = Context)]
impl MutationRoot {
async fn create_person<'c>(context: &'c Context, name: String, age: i32) -> FieldResult<Option<Person>> {
let row = context.db
"INSERT INTO person (name, age) VALUES ($1, $2) RETURNING id, name, age",
&[&name, &age],
if let Ok(person) = row {
let id: i32 = person.get(0);
let name: &str = person.get(1);
let age: i32 = person.get(2);
Ok(Some(Person {
name: name.to_owned(),
} else {
The create_schema
function needs to be modified to use this new struct:
pub fn create_schema() -> Schema {
Schema::new(QueryRoot {}, MutationRoot {}, EmptySubscription::<Context>::new())
Putting it all together
We have all the code available in a GitHub repository which can be found here.